Invention is an idea of an inventor that practically provides a solution for a specific problem in the technology field.
Right of ownership shall be shared by them or by their successors being partners in the invention.
YES, as long as the patent is valid, any changes, improvements or additions to his invention are possible subject to the required procedures.
YES, within 12 months from the first filing date.
YES, patent applications are searchable by title and patentee name at the patent office.
There is no time restriction.
Every year counting from the filing date. Annuity payments can be also made before the granting of the patent.
YES, late payment of the annuity fees are allowed within 6 months with surcharge.
A patent is valid for 20 years calculated from the date of filing. Such validity is subject to payment of annual fees, and it could be extended up to six months but with late payment fine.
Only after grant to be published in the official gazette.
NO. The patent of invention application shall not include more than one invention or a number of interrelated inventions consisting, as a whole, one comprehensive invention.
The applicant or his representative shall be called to correct the file within a period of two months. Such period may be extended when necessary upon the request thereof. The corrected application shall be dated on the first filing date. In case of not correcting the application file within the determined period, the application shall be deemed as being withdrawn.
NO. But highly advisable in order to be effective against third parties.
The patent law provides for licenses. Each person, in any time after four year from the patent filing date or three years from the patent issuance date, may obtain from the competent authority a use license as a result of not using the invention or a defect therein.
Both in French and Arabic.